Float Application

Hello, dear Rave Enthusiasts!

It’s that time again! Are you ready to make a statement for peace, love, unity and respect at the “Rave The Planet Parade” on July 12, 2025?

Starting today, you can apply to join with your very own float! We’ve put together a guide with everything you need to know for your float application – from the selection criteria to technical details:


You can also find our Code of Conduct at the link above. It outlines our shared values and guidelines for fostering a respectful, safe, and inclusive community.

Let’s get started – applications close on January 15, 2025. We’re beyond excited to see you and your ideas!

GOOD LUCK! ❤ 🚛 🎶

Rave on and much love,
your Rave The Planet Crew


    Contact person:

    Introduce yourselves or your brand:

    (Text will be published on website)

    Please select field of activity:

    Speech: Who’s speaking on your float? What topic?

    Web & Social Media:

    Do you organize the float with partners? *

    Have you ever participated in a parade? *

    What music genres will you present?



    File names must not contain special characters or spaces.

    Accepted formats: PDF, PPT

    How are sustainability and environmental protection implemented?

    Before you can submit your application, you must click REGISTRATION CODE. You will then receive an email with the code, which you must paste into the field REGISTRATION CODE.

    Attention: Code is only valid for two hours! Please do also check your spam!


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